Xueqing Chen 陈雪晴

I am a 2nd year PhD student working with Beth Biller at University of Edinburgh. I previously obtained my master’s degree in physics at ETH Zurich. My PhD work is centered on direct imaging characterization of brown dwarfs and giant exoplanet analogs. I am interested in studying the weather of these exoworlds using time-resolved spectroscopic observations, both from the ground and using JWST.

paranal ELT viewed from the VLT platform at ESO Paranal, Oct 2023

Weather map of the nearest brown dwarfs WISE 1049AB

I am applying the technique of Doppler imaging to produce global weather maps of the benchmark brown dwarf binary WISE 1049AB (aka Luhman 16 AB), using high resolution time-resolved spectra take by Gemini/IGRINS in H and K bands.

Check out the first multi-band weather maps of not just one, but two extrasolar worlds! Link to new paper: Global weather map reveals persistent top-of-atmosphere features on the nearest brown dwarfs


Monitoring weather on L/T transition brown dwarfs with JWST

I am working on reducing and analyzing the JWST NIRSpec + MIRI spectroscopic monitoring observations of WISE 1049AB (ID: GO 2965, PI: Beth Biller), aka Luhman 16 AB. This program aims to identify the source driving the variability observed on these two benchmark objects spanning the L/T transition by looking at the distinct variability behaviours at different wavelengths, which probes different pressure levels in their atmospheres.


Observability of Forming Planets and their Circumplanetary Disks with JWST & ELT

For my master thesis project I worked with Prof. Judit Szulagyi at ETH Zurich. I simulated JWST & ELT observations of circumplanetary disks using hydrodynamic simulation output and RADMC3D radiative transfer calculations.

Publication here: Chen & Szulagyi 2022

mspaper ELT/METIS synthetic images of systems with different planetary masses (10, 5, and 1 MJup and 1 MSat) projected to 100 pc.